My Unique Disabled Latina Life Requires No Approval.

long view of an industrial looking hallway with a female wheelchair user pushing away from the camera and towards the door at the end of the hallway

It’s that time of year. If you’ve been following my disabled Latina life, you know that my birthday is around the corner. I start making plans to celebrate more than the year before.

But then Covid came in 2020, things changed. Right?

Post Covid life is the same yet different in my life. One change is how much my body has changed. As of the last 30 days, I’ve had Covid twice. I should be thrilled that I am still alive. I am. I’m not thrilled that the same person gave it to me both times. But really? What can I do? I have other fires to put out.

I’m going to be 54 years old in nine days. I don’t have big plans with people. But I have plans and it does have to do with people, just not the way you think. It’s time that I share my life story. Normally, I’d say someone is too young to share their life story until they are in their late70s, but if you’re new here, you need to know that I have Osteogenesis Imperfecta. I’ve fractured hundreds and hundreds of times. I’ve had several operations too. All this before I turned ten. Yeah, that’s a lot for kids nowadays. So I’m happy that I am strong willed and strong minded at 53 because I don’t think I’d be strong if I were a kid in our current society. That’s for another section of my life.

I’ve decided that my podcast might have to be a Youtube video as well. It’s one of the reasons I am writing everything here. You see, not many people who know me know about this website. Therefore, less prying eyes but more freedom to share with you. Who are you? Well, you’re someone who stumbled upon this blog and decided you’d like to read it. So thanks!

I have a 12 year old niece, an almost 4 year old nephew, and an almost 2 year old niece who I love too much. Since my OI might one day take away my quality of life, I think it’s time that I write and speak as much as I can about my life so that when they are older, they can know me better. Not based on what others say because people always exaggerate the best and worst in a person once they are dead. Who needs that?

I had a podcast that was supposed to help people, motivate people, make people feel audacious. But then, I became too busy, helping myself, motivating myself, and making myself feel more audacious.

Oh, I was also teaching middle school and taking care of others. But I’m not supposed to say that because society thinks that disabled people like me need caring for. They don’t realize that we have responsibilities like everyone else.

This is actually one of the reasons why I must get my story out faster than ever. There are too many non disabled people who want to control the narrative of the disabled community. Some people label themselves caregivers or professionals in the disabled community to gain trust from the non disabled. Be careful, my disabled friends. Be very careful. Sometimes their message of empowering you is more how they want to overpower you.

I’m a veteran public school teacher. I see what goes on. Follow my journey. Learn more. Empower yourself with knowledge.

By the way, if you’ve read this far then here’s the link to buy me a cup of coffee. Right now, I’m leaning towards bottomless mimosas. Here’s the link.

Leaving It All Out Here

I realized over the summer that I had neglected this site. I do this often. But this time, it will be different. Not different because a miracle occurred. The only miracle is that I am now fifty three years old.

I can’t believe that I’m a veteran middle school teacher. I’ve survived numerous administrators, the good, the crooked, and the cruel. And I’ve endured colleagues who make me wonder if they even know the word integrity. But my students keep me returning every August. I love middle school. Probably because I loved my junior high school years at Centennial Junior High School.

I have a two adorable nieces, Bella and Soleil. I have a Luke. He’s my nephew. It’s not a grammatical mistake when I wrote, “I have a Luke.” He’s something else. I’m excited to see him when he’s in middle school. I have a feeling I will be laughing more than his parents. is 20 years old. I wanted to celebrate big. But my health got in the way. It’s been a thorn on my side. That’s it for now because I’m sounding like a cranky person. I won’t be telling people about this site. It will be for me. If people find it, that’s okay too.

So This is Fifty

I just want to throw it out there. I MADE IT! On January 9th, 2020 I turned fifty! It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. It only matters what I think. And I think “Thank you, God! I made it!”

One of my sisters and her husband reserved a hotel room on South Beach so I could wake up and see water, write my goals and begin my 50th year in life. I read a text and one of my friends with my disease wrote, “You made it!” and that’s all it took. I cried.

My friend understood. He knew that we had lost so many friends with Osteogenesis Imperfecta that making it to 50 was a big deal.

In case someone is reading this now or in the future, let me make it clear. I am not saying that no one with OI will make it to 50. There are many who have made it to 50 and they have made it to 60, 70 and 80. I don’t know all of them but I know me. I know my life. I know my health. I know what I’ve been through. I know that making it to 50 is a big deal. I know that people who know me know it too.

But it’s not just making it to 50 that makes it a big deal. It’s the other factors that those who know me realize as well. It’s that I am a college educated, Colombian American with a car, a job, and relatively good health. It’s that I can pay my bills and rent. It’s that I live a pretty independent life and I love dealing with challenges head on.

That’s it for now!

Julie & Julia

I’m reading the book Julie & Julia. I saw the movie a long time ago. I watch it whenever I have the opportunity because there’s something about the movie that motivates me to write on here. Writing here allows me to spill my thoughts because I know that no one is reading it. This blog has been inactive for so long that my usual readers have drifted off to other bloggers. In a way, it’s a blessing. Less pressure to please the reader. More freedom to express my thoughts.

I reached out to a friend, “Mary” to seek her expertise advice that would help another friend, “Jo Ann” and “Mary” said that it’s Sunday so she can’t talk. This is the same person who complains on social media about the way people won’t help her when she asks for help. I didn’t get mad at her because I figured she’s already clueless about her actions. Why should I be the one to pop her bubble? Let someone else hit her with reality. I deal with enough people who live in la la la land.

Then I found myself shaking my head in disbelief when I saw someone who I have supported via their fundraising or their work stay silent knowing fully well that their friend was mischaracterizing me. Did I blow a gasket? Nope! I spoke privately to them and found myself shocked to learn that they didn’t see anything wrong with it. Ok! No problem! Next! That’s one less person whose worthy of my time.

I realize that they enjoy controversy and perhaps I should have known that before chiming into their social media conversation but it irks me to see how people can be so extreme in their ways.

Why does everyone have to be so extreme? I’m passionate about many ideas and beliefs but there’s a line that I don’t cross. Today I saw someone who claims to be about the people and for the people but I guess only when the people is them.

Oh well, until next time!

Tomorrow work. Let there be air condition.