Hey everyone! I’ve been sharing the news all over the internet about this awesome holiday blog tour of which I have been chosen to be a part of by Icess Rojas Fernandez. Did you catch yesterday? You should!
Now it’s my turn, the pressure is on! Of course, when you are on a blog tour with great names like Caridad Pineiro, Julie Amante and Zoraida Cordova, it can feel as if you have to perform at your peak.
I was going to write about a personal memory of long ago, when an anonymous person gave my family a beautiful Christmas holiday. I tell my students this story every year right before my school’s annual toy drive. So yesterday, after my students left school, I stayed behind to write today’s post. It wasn’t flowing out of me. I knew what I wanted to say, it just wasn’t happening. Time flew by and I left work to go to School Board Member Marta Perez’s holiday event for the students in her district who just so happen to be my students. Continue reading “Gifts Come In Unexpected Ways”