Tomorrow starts a great tour of blogs! Created by Icess Fernandez Rojas, a group of amazing bloggers will each post a holiday theme post on their personal blog. You get to go to each one of them for free!
That’s the kind of tour that Ebenezer Scrooge would enjoy the most.
This year, I get to participate as one of the bloggers on the holiday tour stops! Super excited. It won’t be about my measly $300 teacher raise or the corruption that takes place in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. No sir!
It won’t have a single syllable about Miami-Dade County’s Superintendent Alberto Carvalho or how Miami-Dade County School Board members like Carlos Curbelo, Lawrence Feldman and Perla Tabares Hantman voted to give raises in the tens of thousands to the paper pushers downtown. No way, Jose!
People who don’t teach or ever step foot in the classroom will definitely have a cheery Christmas with all that cash stuffed into their stockings.Thanks to the good hearted Miami-Dade County Public School Superintendent Alberto Carvalho. But I won’t be mentioning that either in my tour stop. NO WAY!
My blog post for the holiday tour will be about a holiday memory that has stayed a part of my life forever. Join in the fun.
Here is a list of the bloggers and their dates.
Check them out. It starts tomorrow!
Super excited.
To think, I wanted to do something like this with my students but it wasn’t approved with the almighty downtown people. Too bad. They only want to use technology if they can profit from it. But don’t you worry. We won’t let their bah humbug attitude ruin it for the rest of us. No way!
So let’s get this Holiday Blogging Season started! Scroll down below and see the blogging dates for one open sleigh of fun!
I have to admit I am a bit giddy. Yes, I said giddy! I am a part of a holiday blog tour with some amazing women who are successful published authors. It’s actually a great honor for me to be on the same line up as Caridad Pineiro. I met her several years ago in a Chica Lit conference and have followed her success in the writing world ever since. Catch her on December 11, 2012!
It’s also pretty cool to have someone on the tour who shares my name. Welcome Natasha Oliver. Julia Amante and Karen La Beau will have a giveaway on their holiday tour stops! I love giveaways. My motto: If it’s free, it’s for me!
It’s ok if you’ve been naughty or nice. We want you to stop by anyway.
Spread the cheer! Tell them that Audaciouslady sent you! Remember to stop by here often and especially on the 13th!
Holiday Blog Tour Stops
Dec. 7 Lupe Mendez, The Poet Mendez
Dec. 8 Gwendolyn Jerris, Silence & Honeysuckle
Dec. 9 Natasha Oliver, 2 cents
Dec. 10 Regina Tingle, Unsolicited Certainties
Dec. 11 Caridad Pineiro, Paranormal Romance Author Caridad Pineiro
Dec. 12 Teresa Carbajal Ravet, Sententia Vera
Dec. 13 Nathasha Alvarez, AudaciousLady
Dec. 14 Stephanie Dorman, How Many Frogs
Dec. 15 Karen La Beau, My Life on Canvas
Dec. 16 Annette Santos, The Monga Confesses
Dec. 17 Zoraida Cordova, Zoraida Writes
Dec. 18 Kristy Harding, Kristy Harding
Dec. 19 Nikki Kallio, Purple Houses
Dec. 20 Sujeiry Gonzalez, Love Sujeiry
Dec. 21 Samantha Kolber, Sam Poet
Dec. 22 Thelma T. Reyna, The Literary Self
Dec. 23 Julia Amante, Julia Amante
Dec. 24 Icess Fernandez Rojas