Keeping the Spirit of the Season Alive in My Life

Finally, I’m on vacation. Yesterday was exhausting. There are people in the world who think teachers are babysitters. Such false thinking. Too many activities and issues this past week. For the sake of everyone, nothing will be mentioned except to say that it was emotionally and physically taxing for some people more than others.

I didn’t want to give my students a full day off because that’s not my style but I didn’t want to lose the festive spirit of the holiday. I have many students who need to be reminded of the reason for the season. Instead, I offered the students extra credit if they made their own version of the 12 Days of Christmas. This would cover standards in poetry and creative writing. It came out really well.

I also gave them time to work on childhood development books that might be entered into this year’s Youth Fair competition. Even though it is due the Wednesday after we return from winter break, I wanted to give them time to work on it in class. That also came out rather well. Students had an opportunity to work on two activities to boost their academic grade.

The best part was after school. Not because it was the end of the work day, but because I had several surprise visits from former students. I enjoyed briefly catching up with them. It’s a great feeling as an educator to see the students move on in a positive direction.

As for my co workers, this holiday season wasn’t so bad. I think for it was the realization that I had to change my mindset with them. Luckily for me, I have a co worker who helped me see what I couldn’t see because I was trying too hard to be a “team player” when it’s not always in me. I’m glad it’s not always in her either!

I have a huge issue with hypocrisy. I can’t handle it on any level. It’s so irritating that I can get a headache from even seeing it a little bit. But I realized that some people don’t call it hypocrisy. They call it “getting along” or they say it’s because “it’s the right thing to do.” I guess that’s where things go awry with me. I don’t do “the right thing” or do something to “just get along” if it doesn’t agree with my moral compass.

I just don’t like being fake. It doesn’t sit well with me.

So this school year, I participated in what I enjoyed and quietly escaped anything that would seem fake in my life. It’s not easy to keep that balance but it helps keep the spirit of the season.

When I take care of me first, I find I have enough energy to care for others. This holiday season I haven’t finished my gift giving but this year I am placing myself on the list too.

December Ramblings

Is blogging dead? I have no idea. I’m starting to realize that I don’t care either. I love writing and I love reading people who write interesting pieces on their blogs. It’s not an old age situation. It’s simply a personal opinion.

I find it fascinating that people are jumping to do podcasts. But aren’t podcasts really the old fashioned form of talk radio? It was interesting back then right? Now we cleaned it up, targeted all types of niches and labeled it podcasting because it’s not on the radio.

I love it!

I love that we recreate something that has already been created but tweak it up for the next generation to feel that it is a new and special item.

In 40 days, I will be 50 years old. Some of my relatives think I’m making too much of a big deal out of it. But reality is that I am not making enough of a big deal. For, I’ve written about growing up with death and my own personal battles to stay healthy. I think my family doesn’t want me to make a big deal about these things because then it makes them nervous about my mortality. But c’est la vie because I love celebrating my birthday for that exact reason. Because I made it another year!

I wanted to monetize this site but now I want this to be a public space for me to discuss personal thoughts, musings, projects, and anything else.

Photos will happen later on. For now, let me get back into the area that I love and have always loved. Writing and the power it has over our thoughts, actions, and beliefs.

If you are into politics, you will enjoy some of my future posts because just when you think you have me figured out, you find out you really don’t. It’s not even about tricking you. It’s about me always thinking how others see things.

Everything will still be rated PG because I don’t think it’s necessary for me and others to resort to vulgarity unless as a last resort. But that’s usually in real life. I think when we write, we can find other words to express ourselves that don’t rhyme with duck, bit, lap or switch.

Breathe Again

Nathasha Alvarez Breathe Again
Nathasha Alvarez
Breathe Again

Get comfy. This post will be lengthy but it’s going to feel so good to finally breathe again. It’s been almost six months since my last post. I’ve been on a writing hiatus and it has taken a toll on me. But why did I stop? And why did I start up again?

In fifteen days, I will celebrate another birthday. I can’t wait! Every birthday is a victory.  Continue reading “Breathe Again”

NaBloPoMo: The Final Match

My Rocky Shadow Pose

NaBloPoMo Challenge

I’m doing the NaBloPoMo challenge. That’s where I write a blog post every day in November.

I’ve done this before but didn’t always successfully complete all thirty days. This might be the year! Who knows?

I think it’s like a boxing match and I’m Rocky Balboa.

I feel pretty confident this year because I have some pretty cool coaches in my corner. Continue reading “NaBloPoMo: The Final Match”

Secret Santa Keeps On Giving

Nathasha Alvarez Latina Diva On Wheels
Nathasha Alvarez


Hope you enjoyed Teresa’s post yesterday.  Thank you, Icess for starting this holiday blog tour.

Now it’s my turn and I have to get this off my chest.

Less than 30 days ago, I had a total “O-M-G!” experience. The kind you talk about with your closest friends.

No, it’s not that kind of “O-M-G!” experience.

Remember, this is a holiday blog tour.

Continue reading “Secret Santa Keeps On Giving”

NMX Addiction: It Started With the First “Hi”

Andre Meadows from Black Nerd Comedy with Nathasha Alvarez
Andre Meadows aka Black Nerd from Black Nerd Comedy

It’s been one crazy month and the year just started! I am very excited for 2013. I couldn’t wait to say goodbye to 2011 and 2012 was really umm interesting. But 2013 is going to be amazing!

MY new year always starts on my birthday. I am not a big New Year’s Eve fan. Kissing strangers while being intoxicated is not my thing. I’ll let the people who enjoy waking up in unknown places handle that experience.

I started my birthday waking up in All Suite Rio Hotel  in Las Vegas, Nevada. Now it’s not what you think. Although they say that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas applies to everyone, it won’t be applying to me. I want to tell you about Vegas, all about Vegas! Including my crummy stay at the hotel. Continue reading “NMX Addiction: It Started With the First “Hi””

Gifts Come In Unexpected Ways

Holiday Blog Tour 2012
Holiday Blog Tour 2012

Hey everyone! I’ve been sharing the news all over the internet about this awesome holiday blog tour of which I have been chosen to be a part of by Icess Rojas Fernandez. Did you catch yesterday?  You should!

Now it’s my turn, the pressure is on! Of course, when you are on a blog tour with great names like Caridad Pineiro, Julie Amante and Zoraida Cordova, it can feel as if you have to perform at your peak.

I was going to write about a personal memory of long ago, when an anonymous person gave my family a beautiful Christmas holiday. I tell my students this story every year right before my school’s annual toy drive. So yesterday, after my students left school, I stayed behind to write today’s post. It wasn’t flowing out of me. I knew what I wanted to say, it just wasn’t happening. Time flew by and I left work to go to School Board Member Marta Perez’s holiday event for the students in her district who just so happen to be my students. Continue reading “Gifts Come In Unexpected Ways”