United Teachers of Dade: More Divided Than United

#222 Approves More Taxes For School Leeches. That’s why you should vote #223 instead. Stop a future financial fiasco.

This is an email that Shirley Person sent to Karen Aronowitz, president of United Teachers Of Dade, regarding the school bond referendum in this year’s election. Shirley agreed to share it here with all of you. Share it with others who will be voting this year in Miami’s school bond referendum. Vote #223 VOTE AGAINST THE BOND.

Greetings Karen,

I disagree with UTD’s support of this bond referendum.  Read the The Herald article dated Saturday, October 20, 2012 entitled “Broken promises marred last Miami-Dade bond issue for schools.”  I have had a plethora of UTD members and non members tell me they are not voting for this bond referendum because they have not received 5 years of steps and pay raises, and they simply cannot afford to pay another 30 years for this bond.  They are still paying for the 1988 bond until 2017 and, as taxpayers, they have a right to make a decision based on their financial situation. Continue reading “United Teachers of Dade: More Divided Than United”

Save Education! Vote #223 on the Bond Referendum

Since it is a presidential election year, people feel that Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on anything. Therefore, I thought I should add that I am a registered Democrat and Dr. Maria Peiro is a registered Republican. Yet, we both agree that giving our school board $1.2 BILLION dollars to play with is a very bad idea. In fact, it’s a road we don’t want taken by anyone.

This is her take on it. Love to know your thoughts.

Dr. Maria Peiro:

I will be voting NO and have told everyone to vote NO. There are still many underenrolled schools that could be closed and many other things that could be done to release money to fix the rest of the schools. The Miami Dade County Public School board wants to raise taxes the cowardly way. Put it on the referendum and if it passes, then it was the voters who voted for it. However, the voters are mostly misinformed about this. The school board members have wasted lots of capital improvement money that was previously given to them by the state. They have had flexibility in moving money from the general budget to the capital budget, and they have done so. Where did that money go?

The Hunger Games: Is It Too Violent For Middle School?

Someone after viewing the movie, The Hunger Games, asked me how I could teach this novel to my 7th grade students with all that violence. This inquisitive person was curious to see my lesson plans. I thought I’d do one better and share my lesson plans here with you. Feel free to share this with other educators as well. So here goes! This one’s for you, Enid.

Are you ready? Paper? Pen? Novel at hand?

Peeta and Katniss in the cave.

Continue reading “The Hunger Games: Is It Too Violent For Middle School?”

Back To School Reality Check For Parents

Back To School

This post was inspired by Bruce Sallan’s  #dadchat tweets on Thursday evenings. Thank you for allowing me to add my two cents to your tweets.This post is not for every parent. You’ve been warned. This post is meant only for parents who are fed up with the constant fighting they incur with their child during the academic year. It’s also meant for the parent who wants more for their child but doesn’t know if they are asking for too much. I’m going to give it to you straight from the point of view of a teacher who has been teaching in Miami for over 13 years, way over!

Continue reading “Back To School Reality Check For Parents”

A Slice of My Life

Finally! My personal blog is up and all of you are invited to participate in it. This little place is the place where I will discuss everything that pops into my brain. For those who know me, this can be a dangerous place. People ask me all the time, “What are you thinking about?” And now, they are going to know. But sometimes, they are going to wish they never asked at all.

I live a unique life. I’m comfortable in a wheelchair. I know no other way of living. I was born in New York, live in Miami and I’m expected to behave like a “Latina” whatever that might be.

I’m a middle school teacher for Miami-Dade County public schools which is nothing to be bragging about but at least, I can help students make the world a better place. I hope.

Everything around me makes me think too much. Stupidity and chaos drive me insane.

This is the place to explore all of these topics and more. I also have an online website, audacitymagazine.com. It’s an award-winning website aimed  at promoting people with physical disabilities who want to live or are living an audacious life. Check it out!

But don’t worry, although I’m known as the Latina diva on wheels, this site will have guest bloggers who want to share either in agreement or in opposition to my views about everything under the sun.

Some of the things that are really bothering me these days occur in the educational system of Miami-Dade. At the present moment, I’m the president of the Miami Educators Alliance, a professional organization for educators. While the Union Teachers of Dade would like everyone to think that we are competing with them, it is very far from the truth.

If we wanted to compete with them, it would be too easy because they do nothing to help teachers. So let’s say it right here and now, the Alliance doesn’t want to compete or takeover the United Teachers of Dade.

Anyway, there will be guest bloggers as well.

If you have something you want to share let me know.